When you buy a carpet from De Munk Carpets, you know that you are buying a quality product. But how can you make sure that you will be able to keep enjoying that special carpet for as long as possible? Carpets need care. That is why we have provided some tips below.
You can vacuum a carpet right from the moment it is laid down. Do not use a robot vacuum. Instead use a normal vacuum cleaner with a smooth nozzle.
Do not use the maximum suction setting on your vacuum cleaner. New carpets may give off some fluff at first, but this will reduce after a few months.
You should regularly beat deep pile carpets to remove sand and dirt. This is because sand and dirt can chafe the fibres of your carpet.
Carpets are nice and soft. You can best enjoy this if you walk on the carpet with bare feet or socks. Of course, you can also walk on your carpet in footwear. However, try to avoid walking on your carpet with shoes or slippers with black or rubber soles. Black soles can rub off on your carpet, and leave grey marks behind. Rubber soles can damage the fibres of your carpet if you always walk or sit in the same place.
Accidents can always happen. Fortunately, stains are no reason to go into panic mode. It is important however that you act quickly and do not allow the stain to become absorbed by your carpet. If you can gradually remove the liquid with a spoon, do that right away. Then dab the stain with a hand towel or kitchen paper. Be careful not to rub in the stain, always dab it.